Complete God Kabir

 Compele God Kabir

God Kabir is the bestower of happiness.

He alone is worthy of being worshipped. The world is milsled by Kaal/Satan. Only a true Guru can provide a true way to worship God Kabir.

Sant Rampal Ji Maharaj

Complete God KavirDev (Supreme God Kabir), even prior to the knowledge of the Vedas, was present in Satlok, and has also Himself appeared in all the four yugas to impart His real knowledge.

Holy Books

The Holy Scriptures of Christianity and Islam proves that the Creator of the entire nature, the Destroyer of all sins, the Almighty, Eternal God is in visible human-like form and resides in Satlok. His name is Kabir, and is also called 'Allahu Akbiru'.

Almighty God Kabir

Almighty God Kabir can forgive the sins of His worshipper. He even forgives/destroys the most heinous sins. 
- Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj


Prediction of Mr. Anderson about Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj -
A religious rural Indian, preparing a constitution on the principles of one human race, one language and one flag, would give the lesson of morality, generosity, service to mankind.


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