


No one has been able to understand the deciphering of Quran Sharif to date.

 Bakhabar Saint Rampal Ji has clarified from Quran Sharif that only Kabir is Worshipable who has created whatever is between the Earth and the Sky (Surat Furkaan 25, verse 52-59)
The knowledge of Quran Sharif is also incomplete. Due to this reason only it has been told- Ask the information about the great Allah from a Bakhabar (Surat Furkan 25 verse 52-59)

        Quran Sharif

Even the knowledge of Quran Shareef is incomplete. This is the reason that it’s clearly mentioned in this Holy Book itself —

“Must ask a complete, knowledgeable and supreme saint about the true lord Kabir” (Surat Furkaan 25, Aayat 52-59).

At present, that supreme saint is Great Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj who is giving actual and correct knowledge from Quran Shareef ЁЯЩПЁЯП╗

No one was able to understand the secret of Quran Sharif till today.

 Baakhabar Saint Rampal Ji made it clear from the Quran Sharif that Kabir Ji is  worth worshipping, who has created everything on earth and sky (Surat Furqan 25, verses 52-59).


Surat Furkan 25 aayat 52 - 59 

It is said to ask from the Baakhabar Saint about that Kabir God who can forgive our sins.

At Present that Baakhabar is Saint Rampal Ji.

Fazaile Amal is a holy book of Muslims, in which the method of worship and the name of the Supreme God Kabir Saheb are specially described.  There is a clear proof in the Fazaile Jikr in Aayat 1 to 7 which can be elaborated only by the Bakhabar (Tattvadarshi Saint).
To know See Tatvagyan Satsang on
 "Sadhna TV Channel" 7:30 pm.

                         Allah Is Kabir

Surat 25, verse 58 states that 'Ibadat Kabira' means Kabir Allah is worthy of worshipping, pray for him.  Recognize Allah and worship Him.  Only the Bakhabar / Ilmwala can tell the true worship of Allah. Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is that Bakhabar.

The knowledge giver of the Quran Sharif says that he is Allahu Akbar who created the world in 6th days & sat on the throne on the 7th day.  Ask all his information from any Bakhabar (Tatvadarshi Saint) Ilmwala.  I am also not fully aware.  The one who has been described as a Bakhabar in the Quran Sharif is none other than Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj.


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