God In Bible Is Not Supreme | Canada Wallpapers | Canada Temple Ids


God In Bible Is Not Supreme | Canada Wallpapers | Canada Temple Ids

Holy Bible Genesis 1:27 God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
God is not formless. This a baseless theory.
Holy Bible proves that God is in human form.

                  Holy Bible 

Holy Bible, Genesis 18:2

Abraham looked up and saw three men standing nearby. 

This proves that there are more than one God whereas Christians believe that God is One.
- Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj


Jesus was the son of God.
Lord Kabir is the eternal father of all souls. He never dies nor He takes birth from a mother.
God Kabir one is the worthy of being worshipped.

 Jesus was the Son Of God

Holy Bible, Genesis 1:29

Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.

God ordered to be vegetarian.

       Supreme God 

Supreme God Kabir appears whenever He wishes; He never takes birth from a mother because He is the Originator of all.

- Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj

Prediction of woman astrologer from America, "Jean Dixon" about Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj

After the ideological war, a new civilisation based on spiritualism would probably originate under the leadership of an Indian man.

   Spiritualism Knowledge All World

You will be saved from sins by doing true worship of true God Kabir by taking refuge in true spiritual leader.
 - True Spiritual Leader Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj

Salvation can only be attained by taking refuge in true Spiritual Leader Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj. He is the one who provides the true way to worship Eternal God Kabir.


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