
पूर्ण परमात्मा कबीर साहेब है।

Diwali Festival 2020

  Diwali Festival 2020  Diwali is a festival celebrated by Hindus all over the world with great excitement and enthusiasm. This festival is also called the Festival of Lights because people light earthen lamps as a part of the celebrations of this festival. The readers would know how to attain the Supreme Almighty.  Diwali is a four-day-long event and begins with Dhanteras which falls on November 13, 2020, and ends with Bhai dooj which falls on November 16, 2020. Deepawali is on November 14, 2020. As far as the preparation of Diwali celebrations is concerned, people begin with cleaning their homes and offices around a month before. Buying new clothes for the young and elderly is equally observed. People prepare sweets and savory dishes for the occasion. People decorate their doorways with beautiful and colorful rangoli to welcome goddess Laxmi—goddess of wealth. Earthen lamps and hanging lamps are lit. Diwali Festival 2020: People use decorative lighting to decorate their...

Dussehra images hd download with wishes 2020

  Dussehra images hd download with wishes 2020 रावण का नाश Different beliefs about when Dussehra has been celebrated have been given from time to time, but one assumption that has been recognized and accepted for centuries is that Ravana King Of Lanka, the King of Lanka, Sri Ravana King of Lanka  When Sita ji, the wife of Ramchandra ji (Shree Ram Ayodhya) was kidnapped, Sri Ramchandra ji with the help of Hanuman ji (Hanuman Ji) crossed the sea with a huge army of monkeys and went to Lanka to Ravana King  Freed Mita and Sita ji  Also read: How the universe was created  People with bad conduct like Ravana always have a bad end, every year Dussehra (Dussehra 2020) burns the effigy of Ravana and to keep man away from bad conduct with this example  Are explained    Dussehra in Kalyug  But with the passage of time, this work has now become a tradition, people go to effigies, eat snacks and ice cream and spread garbage, dangerously fireworks bomb th...

Happy Dussehra 2020 Quotes, images, wishes and Greetings, Messages

  Happy Dussehra 2020 Quotes, images, wishes and greetings, messages लंकापति रावण का वध किसने किया? लंकापति रावण दशानन के नाम से भी जाना जाता है। वह तमोगुणी शिव जी का परम भक्त था। रावण को चारों वेदों का ज्ञान था। वह एक कुशल राजनीतिज्ञ, सेनापति और वास्तुकला का मर्मज्ञ होने के साथ ज्ञानी तथा बहु-विद्याओं का जानकार था। वह मायावी के नाम से भी कुख्यात था क्योंंकि वह इंद्रजाल, तंत्र, सम्मोहन और कई तरह के जादू जंतर करने में माहिर था। उसने सारी लंका सोने की बना रखी थी जिसमें इटें, पत्थर, यहां तक गारा भी सोने का था। परंतु शिव की इतनी भक्ति करने के बावजूद उसमें कामवासना तथा अभिमान चरम सीमा पर थे जिसके परिणामस्वरूप उसका वंश ही समाप्त हो गया। जबकि कबीर परमेश्वर की भक्ति करने वाले साधक नम्रता और अधीनी से भक्ति करते हैं। परमात्मा बताते हैं :- आधीनि के पास है, पूर्ण ब्रह्म दयाल | मान बड़ाई मारियो,बेअदबी सिर काल || सर्वविदित है रावण कैसी मौत मारा गया। वह तमस, अंहकार और असुर स्वभाव का व्यक्ति था। कबीर साहेब ने मुनिन्दर ऋषि रूप में आकर रावण को समझाया था कि यह सीता लक्ष्मी का अवतार है । जिस शिव की तू...

Navratri 2020 October | when is Chaitra Navratri 2020 | Sharad Navratri 2020 | magh Navratri 2020 | Ashwin Navratri 2020 |

  Navratri 2020 October | when is Chaitra Navratri 2020 | Sharad Navratri 2020 | magh Navratri 2020 | Ashwin  Navratri 2020 |   श्रीमद् देवी भागवत में दुर्गा ने पूर्ण मोक्ष देने की मना कर रखी है मोक्ष तुम्हें पूर्ण तत्वदर्शी संत ही उस तत्वज्ञान का भेद बताएंग वह तत्वदर्शी संत,, संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी,, हैं जो वर्तमान समय में सभी धर्म शास्त्रों में से आध्यात्मिक ज्ञान बता रहे हैं उसी से मोक्ष होगा अन्य धर्मगुरु शास्त्र विरुद्ध साधना बताते हैं 💎पवित्र गीता जी में पूर्ण गुरु की पहचान श्रीमद्भगवत गीता अध्याय 15 श्लोक 1 - 4, 16, 17 में कहा गया है जो संत इस संसार रूपी उल्टे लटके हुए वृक्ष के सभी विभाग बता देगा वह पूर्ण गुरु/सच्चा सद्गुरु है। यह तत्वज्ञान केवल पूर्ण संत रामपाल जी महाराज ही बता रहे हैं। पूर्ण गुरु संत रामपाल जी महाराज जी से नाम उपदेश लें, अपना कल्याण कराएं। Navratri Special 2020 "तिर्थ ब्रत जप तप संयम सब सुमिरन के माही।  कबीरा जाने राम जन सुमिरन सम कछु नाही।।" पूर्ण गुरु के आधिन होकर किया हुवा सतभक्ति ही हमें सुख और मोक्ष दोनों प्राप्त करवाता है न की म...


  #Baakhabar_In_Quran No one has been able to understand the deciphering of Quran Sharif to date.  Bakhabar Saint Rampal Ji has clarified from Quran Sharif that only Kabir is Worshipable who has created whatever is between the Earth and the Sky (Surat Furkaan 25, verse 52-59) The knowledge of Quran Sharif is also incomplete. Due to this reason only it has been told- Ask the information about the great Allah from a Bakhabar (Surat Furkan 25 verse 52-59)         Quran Sharif Even the knowledge of Quran Shareef is incomplete. This is the reason that it’s clearly mentioned in this Holy Book itself — “Must ask a complete, knowledgeable and supreme saint about the true lord Kabir” (Surat Furkaan 25, Aayat 52-59). At present, that supreme saint is Great Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj who is giving actual and correct knowledge from Quran Shareef 🙏🏻 No one was able to understand the secret of Quran Sharif till today.  Baakhabar Saint Rampal Ji made it clear from the...

God In Bible Is Not Supreme | Canada Wallpapers | Canada Temple Ids

  God In Bible Is Not Supreme | Canada Wallpapers | Canada Temple Ids Holy Bible Genesis 1:27 God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God is not formless. This a baseless theory. Holy Bible proves that God is in human form.                   Holy Bible  Holy Bible, Genesis 18:2 Abraham looked up and saw three men standing nearby.  This proves that there are more than one God whereas Christians believe that God is One. - Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj                           Christians Jesus was the son of God. Lord Kabir is the eternal father of all souls. He never dies nor He takes birth from a mother. God Kabir one is the worthy of being worshipped.  Jesus was the Son Of God Holy Bible, Genesis 1:29 Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree...

Supreme Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj

Supreme Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj A human being after acquiring the refuge of a true master or Guru must worship the true God. - Supreme Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj True Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj is the only true Guru in this world who guarantees peace, happiness, and salvation. True way Of worship True way of worship is available with Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj only. Salvation can only be attained by taking His refuge. True way of worship is available with Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj only. Salvation can only be attained by taking His refuge. Satguru in its literal sense is a True (Sat) Saint (Guru); one who is the incarnation of God, and reveals the untold truth. A Satguru is identified by his knowledge. If that knowledge is attested by the scriptures, only then he is a Satguru.  Presently, Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj Ji is the true Guru. SatGuru imparts the true path of worship and teaches everyone to renounce all evils and leads them in the true and correct path of d...